Capitol riots: What is happening in Washington? Probably the best and most useful event of the year since the Democrats came to power. The Democrats showed that they do not draw any conclusions, but only take revenge on the Republicans, take revenge on the whole world by mocking the interesting, beautiful and unusual people of Afghanistan, advertising their vaunted freedom with blackmail, and collect money. They set the pace and scenarios for the world. Now this mediocre democratic recruitment of "recruits" lacks potential and good imagination, and therefore they have not come up with anything better for the world than total control. Trump would be better, because at least he broke up such useless satanic offices of dastardly killers as the health care organization. And would give good kicks to the European Union. Democrats are waging a hidden war against the Republicans, and the evil Jewish god is naturally for them. the burning of cities and forests is their handiwork, nasa cia gates and other evil spirits, democracy is rotten in the 21st century and the dried fish puppet biden is almost the best candidate that they have in their possession. Democrats showed their True colors, ugly Satanists with rotten plastic inside, not from the word demos, but from demons, lost all their principles and manners and they blackmail the whole world through the defenseless people of Afghanistan, with their already rotten freedom, having sold themselves to China and surrendering the people to the Taliban, threatening the last free and independent investigators with the help of their corrupt mongrels literally in every corner of the world. Shame on USA When any of their pre-dominated gang of space arsonists and Jewish timekeepers like Gates or actors from movie "arguments" and "Inception" like DiCaprio are hanged, then perhaps, they will think about how to interfere with the natural and biological processes of the earth for the benefit of their democratic or space sect of parkhat esotericists. A film titled "Argument" says and explains to those last uninitiated that some bitch from the democratic west came up with a way to control time and people with the help of this, and for the sake of this knowledge they spat on you all and their pseudo-democracy for the entire supposedly world. They spat, because they gave the tool of complete total control into the hands of dictators and special services around the world, together with a vaccine, this will make people free-thinking or who consider themselves like this, to be walking zombies.Because not everyone wants to be friends with moral cripples like bezos gates, etc. This is the worst thing that could ever be thought of, the "inventors" of this, should be hanged. And be careful with sports bets, the whole world has discovered a new teaching from the "Talmud" ..

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