The goal of these democrats is for America to collapse. The flood of migrants into the country, the various Democrat-controlled destructive blm and antifa movements gradually destroying and splitting America And they systematically created ""new american elite"" and wanted to see them with the worldview of geeks people and bill gates type, most likely one of those or maybe the main ideologist, the one who behind the coronovirus Satanists most likely intend to change the genome of the world's people with vaccines Different brands of vaccines have different genomes: Jewish, African, etc. probably will weaken the immune system and introduce various vulnerabilities into the human body. this epidemic - work of the chain of world satanists and been preparing since 2015. It's the governments of China, biden team, the European Union, Russia, and many other countries to make the plastic society what they systematically created : Vaccines, Chips, Total control,and handy media, - the conductors for the apocalypse showbiz, media, and celebrities are either accomplices or are humbled to preserve their lives and well-being It's not wonder to make a mistake in election in this america Obama is certainly a cheap bastard, and Biden - they are the agents of Satanism. half a billion infections worldwide nearly seven million deaths This whole world globalist network has enveloped the world, but most important thing is that we have seen their faces while there are still significant forces capable of preventing the coming apocalypse, and possibly World War III These are: Trump and the Republicans Free People of the World and Ukraine

Теги других блогов: Democrats Conspiracy Theory Satanism